component. The RedBox is only to visualize the result.
Spacing method #1 - Code Editor
<RedBox> <Space top="large x-small"> <Input label="Input:" /> </Space> </RedBox>
Spacing method #2 - Space A
Space B
Code Editor
const Component = ({ className = null, ...props }) => { const spacingClasses = createSpacingClasses(props) const cn = classnames('my-comoponent', spacingClasses, className) return <div className={cn} {...props} /> } render( <RedBox> <Component top="small medium large">Space A</Component> <Component top>Space B</Component> </RedBox>, )
Spacing method #3 - Define the space directly
Code Editor
<Input label="Input A:" right="small" /> <Input label="Input B:" />
Spacing with no margin collapse, due to the flex usage
I have
I have
Code Editor
<Vertical> <RedBox> <Space bottom="small"> <> I have <code className="dnb-code">bottom="small"</code> </> </Space> </RedBox> <RedBox> <Space top="large"> <> I have <code className="dnb-code">top="large"</code> </> </Space> </RedBox> </Vertical>
All four values will result in an equivalent margin
I have four 2.5rem
And this are my CSS classes: dnb-space dnb-space__top--large dnb-space__top--x-small dnb-space__right--large dnb-space__right--x-small dnb-space__bottom--large dnb-space__bottom--x-small dnb-space__left--large dnb-space__left--x-small
Code Editor
<Space top="large x-small" right="2.5" bottom="2.5rem" left="40px"> <details> <summary> I have four <code className="dnb-code">2.5rem</code> margins! </summary> And this are my CSS classes:{' '} <code className="dnb-code"> dnb-space dnb-space__top--large dnb-space__top--x-small dnb-space__right--large dnb-space__right--x-small dnb-space__bottom--large dnb-space__bottom--x-small dnb-space__left--large dnb-space__left--x-small </code> </details> </Space>
Visual space testing
With dnb-core-style
Code Editor
const TestCase = (props) => { return ( <CustomStyle {...props}> { => ( <Space key={v} top={v}> <MagicBox /> </Space> ))} </CustomStyle> ) } const listOfBoxes = [] for (let i = 0, c = 0, l = 20; i <= l; i++) { listOfBoxes.push(String(c)) c += 0.5 } render( <div className="spacing-patterns"> <P bottom> With <Code>dnb-core-style</Code> </P> <TestCase className="dnb-core-style" /> <P top bottom> Without </P> <TestCase /> </div>, )